Groundwater & Dewatering Management

Groundwater & Dewatering Management

Groundwater is an integral part of the hydrologic cycle and provides significant contributions to rivers, lakes, wetlands and swamps. It also maintains the dynamics of estuarine and in-shore marine water bodies, contributing inflows of freshwater to otherwise saline environments. Groundwater has the potential to be contaminated by a range of hazardous substances typically associated with commercial and industrial land uses.  ADG has provided dewatering management, treatment, and environmental solutions for numerous projects throughout Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. These projects have involved the development of site specific treatment and remediation technologies for a wide variety of dewatering projects, including sites contaminated with hydrocarbons, heavy metals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).  Our services include:

  • Design of surface and groundwater monitoring and analytical programs to establish baseline conditions prior to disturbance.
  • Surface and groundwater investigations to identify impacts associated with dewatering and the resulting discharge of extracted groundwater.
  • Dewatering Management Plans including selection of the most appropriate groundwater treatment technologies based on site conditions and the receiving environment.
  • Supply and installation of groundwater monitoring wells, monitoring equipment, aerators, filtration media and floating sediment curtains.
  • Construction phase water quality monitoring and the preparation of audit and compliance monitoring reports.